Parish Governance

The only committee that we are obliged to have in a parish, according to Canon Law, is a Finance Committee. Ged Hull leads the Parish Finance Committee with people involved in finance matters such as counters, Gift Aid organisers, who can help prepare the annual accounts, and manage the financial affairs of the Parish.

As the cost of running parishes becomes more challenging and those who contribute are financially squeezed, along with the lessening of Mass attendance, so it becomes more important to manage parish finances with care.


In January 2018, Fr Chris established the Parish Advisory and Coordination Team (PACT).

The role of the PACT is to support Fr Chris with the running of various aspects of Parish Life under his supervision, so that as our Parish Priest, he can focus on our Spiritual care, preaching the gospel and administering the Sacraments.

The following aspects of Parish Life are coordinated by the PACT overseen by Group Leaders in each area:

Spirituality: to ensure that our parish is focused on Christ and rooted in prayer – Kevin Egan

Liturgy: to ensure that all the different ministries function well to help our community to worship together – Fran Lochery

Music: to ensure that the music ministry within the parish enables people to participate in the musical aspects of the liturgy so as to heighten the experience of the liturgy – Liz Moxham

Pastoral: to ensure that our parish meets the needs of people within our parish in the sad event of bereavement – Mary Conway

Outreach: to ensure that our parish meets the pastoral needs of people within our parish and supports the work of charities both locally and globally – Mairead Pindar

Local community: to ensure that our parish is involved in Churches Together, Inter Faith Dialogue and other initiatives within the local community in which we live – Nick Tyldesey

Young people: to ensure that we are supporting and making provision for the young people within our parish and that we have the best of links with our local secondary schools – xxxx

Children: to ensure that we are supporting and making provision for the children within our parish and making sure that we have the best of  links with our primary schools – Janet Height

Safeguarding: to ensure that all that we do fulfils diocesan requirements for safeguarding – Jon Worthington

Finance: to ensure good stewardship of our finances – Ged Hull

Buildings: to ensure good stewardship of our resources – Ken Hogg

Social: to ensure that we create the opportunity for people to celebrate together and belong – Nuala Roberts

Administration: to ensure that there is the necessary administrative support for the parish to run properly and effectively – Len Bates

Hope in the Future
: to ensure that we fulfil our role as a Missionary parish – Michael Greenhalgh


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