
The Music Ministry oversees all the music in the Parish. There is a core group of musicians who meet regularly to choose the music for the coming weeks and to plan for Feast days and special occasions throughout the Liturgical year. Our aim is for there to be a shared repertoire of music across the Parish, and to develop this to enhance our liturgies and assist them to be spiritually uplifting and inclusive experiences for all members of the Parish community.

We organise monthly rehearsals which are open to anyone who wishes to participate in leading the music by singing or playing as a member of a lead group or from within the congregation.

Music for the three Sunday Parish Masses is provided as follows:

Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm St Thomas of Canterbury: Gerard Molloy (organ)

Sunday 9.30am St Joseph’s: Neil Kerrigan (keyboard) plus a range of musicians including guitar, cello, flute, percussion, trumpet

Sunday 11.15pm St Thomas of Canterbury:

Alternating weeks:

Week 1: Susan Oates (organ)

Week 2: Liz Moxham (guitar) plus a range of musicians including other guitarists, keyboard and violins.

For major celebrations such as the Easter Triduum when there are combined Parish services musicians from both churches unite.

Additional singers join us for Sunday Masses and special occasions and we are always delighted to welcome and increase the pool of people able to contribute at all Masses and services.

The music group coordinator is Liz Moxham and she can be contacted at